Calling all librarians: Invitation to participate in Citizen Science Day 2019

Citizen Science Salon iconCitizen Science Salon
By Caroline Nickerson
Jan 4, 2019 7:55 PMOct 9, 2019 6:32 PM


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Dear Librarian,

Libraries and similar venues are public spaces where community members, regardless of age, gender, ethnicity, economic level, or education level, can engage in a variety of activities.  May we suggest citizen science, which enables ordinary people to advance real scientific research?  Professional scientists need your help, and connecting through citizen science projects offers robust opportunities for patrons to address local or global concerns and to stoke and support curiosity across disciplines.

With support from the National Network of Libraries of Medicine Pacific Southwest Region (NNLM PSR), the School for the Future of Innovation in Society at Arizona State University and SciStarter invite you to be part of Citizen Science Day in libraries across the country on April 13, 2019.

Now in its third year, Citizen Science Day (presented by SciStarter and the Citizen Science Association) is expanding to include meetups and events with a special focus on supporting libraries to involve their communities in authentic science projects in need of their help.

The signature event this year will be the “Stall Catchers Megathon” by the Human Computation Institute. This fun, intergenerational online citizen science project engages people of all ages to advance research about Alzheimer’s disease. This project is ideal for libraries and other public spaces where computers and wifi are accessible.

There are many other ways to celebrate citizen science on Citizen Science Day including:

  • Host a citizen science expo

  • Invite local subject matter experts to talk about their projects and citizen science

  • Spread the word! Encourage patrons to find and join citizen science projects and events (including yours) on SciStarter

  • Display our customizable posters, fliers, and reading lists

  • Host a bioblitz

  • Install a rain gauge or air quality sensor or inquire about a Citizen Science kit to loan to patrons

If you are interested in your library being involved in Citizen Science Day in any way, please complete this short registration form. Please contact with questions. We’ll also invite you to open, weekly calls on Wednesdays at 4:00 EST. Volunteers, librarians — all who are interested are welcome on the calls!

Benefits of Citizen Science in Libraries: 

1.  Most Citizen Science activities are free.  No fees to the libraries or patrons.2. Activities can be mixed and matched to the specific interests of patrons. (Different people can work on different projects at the same time.)3.  Megathon is a specific event to help find a treatment/cure for Alzheimer’s Disease.4.  Citizen Science is a growing trend that libraries won’t want to miss.5.  Citizen Science projects are a perfect addition to a weekly/monthly calendar of classes, programs, and/or event calendars.

We also encourage you to include a Save the Date notice in your library’s newsletters, website, displays and other communications. Taking into account the possibility that you may already be facing deadlines to include promotions in your library’s communications materials, here are two Save the Date options for your consideration:

“Love citizen science? No clue about citizen science? All are welcome at our library for Citizen Science Day on April 13, 2019! Find resources and activities for all ages to learn more and discover opportunities to engage in local and global projects in need of your help.”

“Our library is celebrating Citizen Science Day on April 13, 2019! Citizen science is a way for people of all ages to collect, share or analyze data to help scientists address local or global questions. Come join us on 4/13 as we play a fun, intergenerational online game to advance Alzheimer’s research!”


The Citizen Science Day Team


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