If you love your furry pet and can’t envision a world without Fido, Misty or Max, now there’s an alternative to getting it stuffed—or cloned. Just yank some fur from your pet's hide and send it to DNA2Diamonds, where a team will literally turn your dog’s carbon matter into a wearable diamond. According to the company’s ad, they remove your pet’s "unique DNA carbon" from a submitted fur sample, then turn it into a diamond seed, which starts the growth of your diamond. Over a few days, more carbon gathers on the seed, forming a man-made diamond. The jewels come in cognac, red and yellow-green, take 70 days or fewer to make, and cost between $2,000 and $18,000. If you’re worried that the rest of your family might feel left out, don’t despair: You can send in tufts of multiple family members’ hair as well. The company will combine all of the samples into one jewel. Related Content: Discoblog: Hey, That’s My Patent! Biotech Brouhaha Erupts Over Cloning Dogs Discoblog: Biotech Company Selects World’s Worthiest Dog, and Wants to Clone It Discoblog: “CSI: Dog Poop” Comes to Israel
Image: flickr / rogerbarker2