Next Tuesday I'll be appearing at the following event at the Century Foundation:
Drop It Like It's Hot: The Politics of Global Warming SUMMER POLICY BROWN BAG LUNCH FORUM FOR NEW YORK CITY INTERNS* Featuring: Brenda Ekwurzel--Climate Scientist, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, Union of Concerned Scientists Emily Figdor--Director, Clean Air and Global Warming programs, U.S. PIRG Chris C. Mooney--Author, The Republican War on Science; Senior Correspondent, The American Prospect Robert B. Semple--Editorial Board Member, The New York Times (moderator) When: Tuesday, August 8, 2006 12:30 p.m.-2:30 p.m. Where: The Century Foundation, 41 East 70th Street, New York, NY 10021 RSVP: Rachel Zaentz, or 212-452-7726 *Please bring your lunch. Desserts and beverages will be provided. One of the most striking moments in Al Gore's new film An Inconvenient Truth comes when he contrasts two studies--one confirming that no serious doubts have been raised in recent years about the existence of global warming in any serious scientific journal, another finding that 53% of supposedly credible news stories in the past fourteen years have given equal time to global warming skeptics. With Senator Jim Inhofe, chair of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee, calling global warming "a hoax" and President Bush refusing to acknowledge its manmade origins, one needs to ask: How did we get here? Why, years after almost all scientific debate on global warming has been settled, are our politicians still debating its very existence? We've invited some of the nation's top experts in climate science, policy, activism and journalism to answer these questions, and discuss with us how young people can change the debate and make sure the United States doesn't drop it like it's hot.
So, I guess if you're a New York City intern, come on out....