Some stuff I've noticed today:
1. Andrew Revkin had a recent New York Timespiece about a "middle way" in the global warming debate--i.e., admit it's happening and we're causing it, but don't go overboard and be open minded about a wide range of solutions. Roger Pielke, Jr., calls those espousing such a view "nonskeptical heretics." After writing Storm World, I think I've also become one of them. When it comes to hurricanes and global warming, it's clear the science has been abused on both sides. 2. Think the Democrats are automatically going to be proactive on global warming once they take control? You'll think again after reading Glenn Hurowitz's op-ed about the "Unfrozen Cavemen" who will soon be chairing committees in the House, including John Dingell, who may well be a global warming skeptic.
Interesting stuff.....