I am still busy at work revising The Republican War on Science for the paperback edition. Now the plan is to have both a new author preface, and then also to have updates at the end of most of the body chapters. And to complete this project, I am seeking more feedback. Today I'm working on updates related to climate change--political science events that happened in this area from roughly mid 2005 up through the present. There have been quite a lot of them, but I have most prominently identified the following:
Whistleblower Rick Piltz's exposure of political editing of scientific reports at the Climate Change Science Program Whistleblower James Hansen's exposure of heavy-handed control of scientists' ability to speak to the public at NASA The rise of Michael Crichton, culminating in his meeting with George W. Bush Joe Barton's inappropriate little "inquiry" into the scientific validity of the hockey stick Continual antics by Senator James Inhofe
Am I missing anything?