Simple--drink every time Obama says "global warming" or "climate change." If that's your strategy, you may end up a teetotaller, as I point out at DeSmogBlog:
As Joe Romm notes, even those pre-speech analysts who do intimately understand the climate issue (and most do not) want the president to talk about energy innovation, not how much of a risk we’re running from ongoing warming. And at a time when the unswerving focus is the economy and jobs, and the president has just named the CEO of a clean energy company, General Electric, to head his new Council on Jobs and Competitiveness, you have to figure they're on to something. After all, even in the last State of the Union Obama only mentioned climate change twice. And he only did so to quickly reframe it as a clean energy issue...
Is this a bad thing? Not, as I argue, if you're a sheer political realist. You can read the full DeSmogBlog SOTU post here.