Oh, this should be good for another noisy round of meaningless climate warfare:
"Our biggest problem is to deal with the skepticism and denial of the cult-like lemmings who would take us over the cliff," said [California Governor Jerry] Brown, a Democrat, eliciting cheers and laughter from an audience of roughly 200 policymakers, businessleaders, and activists. "The skeptics and deniers have billions of dollars at their disposal ... But I can tell you we're going to fight them every step of the way until we get this state on a sustainable path forward." More laughter came when [IPCC Chair Rajendra] Pachauri joked that Branson could give climate deniers tickets on the aviation mogul's planned flights into outer space. "Perhaps it could be a one-way ticket," Pachauri said, smiling, "though I'm not sure space deserves them."
So these yucks come on the heels of a toothless agreement that kicked the climate can down the road for another decade, and these guys are joking about sending "deniers" to the moon. Seriously, though, do Brown & company really believe that climate skeptics are the "biggest problem"? When will these guys and the rest of the climate concerned movement realize they are fighting the wrong adversary?