Over at Dot Earth, Andy Revkin engages in some hippie punching. (I'm being facetious--that's David Roberts' favorite term for anyone who criticizes progressives on climate politics and policy.) Here's Revkin making an equivalence between "Birthers" and a segment of the climate community that remains stuck in its own echo chamber:
It's easy to forget that there's been plenty of climate denial to go around. It took a decade for those seeking a rising price on carbon dioxide emissions as a means to transform American and global energy norms to realize that a price sufficient to drive the change was a political impossibility. As a new paper in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences found, even when greenhouse-gas emissions caps were put in place, trade with unregulated countries simply shifted the brunt of the emissions elsewhere.
You mean political progressives can be in denial about inconvenient facts, too? C'mon Andy, how is that being helpful to the cause?