Zombees and spiders and bats,
Oh MY!Drag your bones over,
give these projects a TRY!
Happy Halloween!
From the SciStarter team.Here are five projects to put a smile on your skull.
*** Image Credits Loss of the Night - NASA ZomBeeWatch - US Geological Survey Bat Detective - National Park Service
Loss of the Night
Bring Citizen Science with you to Trick or Treat this year! This App helps you learn constellations as you contribute to a global real-time map of light pollution. Get started!
There's a Zombie Fly threatening our honeybees! Learn how to set a trap, catch a bee, and see if it's been infected by the Zombie Fly. Get started!
Bat Detective
By sorting the sounds in recordings into insect and bat calls, you will help biologists learn how to reliably distinguish bat 'tweets' to develop new automatic identification tools. Get started!
Colorado Spider Survey
Little is known about the biodiversity of spiders in Colorado and the impact urbanization is having on species distribution. Learn how to collect and identify spiders, which will be sent to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science.
Get started! BONUS!
The L.A. Spider Survey needs your help investigating these issues in the L.A. area!
Great Lakes Worm Watch
Not fazed by creepy crawlies? Then this wormy project is for you! Help monitor earthworm distribution and habitat from ANYWHERE! Collect earthworms and habitat data, and learn how to do soil surveys. Get started!