On Fridays here at Reality Base, we'll bring you a summary of the latest in science and politics news and opinion from around the Web. • The G8 summit started out strong, but the end results were tepid at best. Still, a little good may have come of it. • Are ration books next? The British government urges Brits to cut back on food waste and eat more leftovers. • The awesome (and frightening) power of Photoshop: With a single doctored photo, Iran alters missiles, fears, international perceptions. • Wall-E's controversial—and arguably erroneous—take on obesity, society, and consumerism. • The FDA says no-go on "black box" warnings for epilepsy drugs, despite the fact that they can dramatically increase suicidal tendencies. • NASA's Phoenix Mars Lander has stuck its probes into bona fide Martian dirt.