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Not Exactly Rocket Science
By Ed Yong
Jul 23, 2008 7:52 PMNov 5, 2019 2:13 AM


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Soooo.... When I started this blog, the intention was to try and use well-written articles on cool discoveries to get people who wouldn't normally read science blogs to be interested in science. I've now been writing for almost two years and while traffic has grown, it strikes me that I still don't know a lot about my readership, or the ratio of non-scientists/scientists who come to these pages. So with that in mind, you can help me out by taking up these two challenges: 1) Tell me about you. Who are you? Do you have a background in science? If so, what draws you here as opposed to meatier, more academic fare? And if not, what brought you here and why have you stayed? Let loose with those comments. 2) Tell someone else about this blog and in particular, try and choose someone who's not a scientist but who you think might be interested in the type of stuff found in this blog. Ever had family members or groups of friends who've been giving you strange, pitying looks when you try to wax scientific on them? Send 'em here and let's see what they say. Thanks folks. Game on. E

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