Zack has started to improve on static R plots with Google powered charts. Check it out. Alas, I can't inject script tags into the body of my posts, so that's not feasible for me. Notice on Zack's plot that I'm more East Asian than either of my parents. The tendency first cropped up with 23andMe's ancestry painting, and I have seen it in my own ADMIXTURE runs, so I don't dismiss it as V2 vs. V3 chip anymore. Though I've ordered an upgrade myself, so we'll see for sure. Also, though both my parents are about the same East Asian, they exhibit a different balance of East Asian subcomponents. I've seen this in my own ADMIXTURE runs, and I'm going to check for more fine-grained matches with the HGDP East Asian populations soon to ascertain whether their eastern ancestral mix is different. Good times.