One of the more amusing (and popular) voices in the the enviro/peak oil doom-o-sphere is
James Howard Kunstler, perhaps best known for his book, The Geography of Nowhere. Once a week, he issues a rambling missive on all issues related to society's imminent collapse from his profanely titled blog, Clusterfuck Nation. People seem to eat it up. This week, his curmudgeonly schtick is about the biggest climate story of the year (pre-Copenhagen):
Against a greater welter and flow of incoherence jerking the nation this way and that way en route to collapse comes "ClimateGate," the latest excuse for screaming knuckleheads to defend what has already been lost.
Chalk Kunstler up as someone who definitely thinks it's a piddling story. But that's mainly because he believes the train to societal ruination has already left the station:
My guess is that the undertow of entropy is now too great to provoke any meaningful unified change in behavior. The collapse of the US economy is too close to the horizon, and the so-called developing nations will have problems equally severe. In the meantime, it is unlikely that any of the major players will burn less coal and oil, or not cheat on each other even if they pledge to burn less. People who are not knuckleheads will make the practical arrangements that they can. These will, by definition, be localized, small-scale, and non-global communities, doing what they would have to do anyway.
Practical arrangements? I don't even have a key to get into the local community garden. Fuckin a, I'm stocking up on Coco Krispies, Yoo-hoo's, and devil dogs. That's what I was fed as a kid (okay, ring dings, too) and I'm still standing. That seems the perfect diet to survive a post-apocalypse landscape, no?