Mark Lynas detonated a stink bomb on Twitter today:
Imagine an 'anti-science hall of shame' w. climate deniers & anti-GM activists side by side. e.g. Seralini vs Pat Michaels? Nominations? — Mark Lynas (@mark_lynas) September 5, 2013
While I have on occasion used the anti-science tag for eye-catching purposes (see here and here)--and have been rightfully taken to task for it--I'm not a fan of this one-size-fits-all label.
In fact, I think it's problematic and explained why here:
I’m not so sure that the anti-science cudgel can be cleanly wielded by any one side. Aside from that, is it even constructive to do so? If we are to be fair and consistent, the tent under the anti-science banner should fit scores of people from across the political and ideological spectrum.