What world is Chris Mooney living in? In his latest attempt to spin the Matthew Nisbet report into something it's not, Mooney is pleased to announce that this Miller-McCune "story came out quite well," which extensively quotes him. Well, I think the story on Nisbet's report was fair and turned out quite well, too. How about that! We agree. Here's an essential passage from the Miller-McCune article that perhaps Mooney should reread (my emphasis):
Nisbet's underlying argument is not really new: that groups passionate about climate change should reconsider their own communications and strategy flaws before moving forward. What's new is that no one has made the case quite this way before, with such a thorough debunking of the primary bogeymen "” and with such shocking data(albeit data Nisbet's critics contest).
I thought that Emily Badger, the Miller-McCune writer, did a nice job balancing the criticisms of the report by Mooney and others, with reaction from Nisbet on what he considers the larger context of that criticism. But don't take my word for it. Read the story yourself.