As I'm writing this, there are reports that more than 865,000 people have been evacuated in eastern China in advance of Typhoon Chan-hom's landfall. And the megalopolis of Shanghai, home to some 23 million people in the city's greater metro area, is battening down the hatches as it faces a risk of flooding from what could be an historic storm surge as the typhoon swirls past. For more details about what to expect from typhoon Chan-hom, check out this post by Jeff Masters over at Weather Underground. For now, I thought I would simply share the compelling video above, which was just published by the Ocean Prediction Center of the U.S. National Weather Service. The video shows the development of Typhoon Chan-hom, which is in the middle of the trio of cyclones swirling in the western Pacific. To its left (to the west) is Linfa, which came ashore in China as a strong tropical storm. And to its right is powerful Typhoon Nangka, which may pose a threat to the Japanese mainland next week. The video features infrared and visible imagery from Japan's Himawari-8 satellite, which recently became operational.