Fight the flu, monitor mouth microbes, and prepare for Citizen Science Day!
Flu Near You
How are you feeling? If you can answer that question, you can answer a very quick weekly survey to tell researchers if you're feeling sick or not. This effort helps inform scientists on where the flu is around the world, check out the results on the map to see if the flu is, in fact, near you!
Location: Online Only
The Microbiome and Oral Health
Researchers at the University of California, San Francisco are seeking participants to help learn about the normal bacteria found in our mouths! Includes a free dental exam and monetary compensation.
Location: San Francisco, California
Citizen Science Day
Do you have plans for April 14th? Start planning your Citizen Science Day activities for the third annual holiday celebrating citizen science efforts everywhere.
Location: Global
SciStarter People Finder
Have you tried the new People Finder on SciStarter? If you're organizing an event for Citizen Science Day, search for other citizen science project leaders in your area as well as connect with participants for recruitment!
Location: Global
SciStarter Calendar
Did you know that the SciStarter Calendar stays updated with upcoming citizen science events and projects? Whether you're looking for inspiration for something to do for the day, why not make it a day for science?
Location: Global