We're working with Beacon, an independent platform for journalism, to crowdfund an expansion of SciStarter's citizen science coverage. We have 8 days left to reach our goal of $6,000 to make this happen. Today, we're 13 percent of the way there. Let's get to 25 percent together by the end of the day today!
You can back our project by clicking here or by visiting this link:
As a backer, you can subscribe for as little as $5/month, and there are cool rewards, like SciStarter t-shirts, for backers who subscribe for more.
Support citizen science journalism by SciStarter and show it off with this cool t-shirt! You'll also receive personalized newsletters from our editorial team, exclusive Q&As with citizen scientists and professional scientists working with citizen projects, and a monthly newsletter, podcast, and audio stories.
Back our project here: https://www.beaconreader.com/projects/help-us-tell-citizen-science-stories, and share this link with your friends and family over the Thanksgiving holiday.
We've got 8 days left -- let's get to the goal together!