What are the three most important things the next U.S. president needs to do for science? To cut through the jargon and find an answer, we bring you the DISCOVER Science Policy Project, in which we give a group of the country’s most celebrated scientists and thinkers the chance to state their views. All past responses can be found here. PETER SINGER Bioethicist
Free up scientific research on stem cells by revoking Bush’s restriction of research to stem cell lines that were created before his speech in August 2001.It was never defensible to give more protection to embryos consisting of a few cells than we give to sentient beings like dogs and chimpanzees.In any case, thanks to advances in science, the potential for creating a new human life now exists in almost every cell in our body.
Step up research on issues related to climate change, including ways of reducing the nation’s greenhouse gas emissions, developing solar energy, and assisting poorer nations to mitigate the impact of climate change.
Follow the lead of the Gates Foundation and direct more of the nation’s medical research budget into areas where it will do the most to help those who need help most, wherever in the world they may live.