• Offshore drilling: The floodgates have been opened, and many are rushing to discredit it before it starts. But will their voices be enough to squelch the demands of angry election-year constituents? • With all signs pointing to a tanking economy, it's nice to know that one area can still rake in the dough: The video game industry. • Will Wikipedia shut the doors on its self-governing open edit system? • How do scientists love thee, Wall-E? Let us count the ways. Over at Slate, associate editor Daniel Engber scolds the film for its inaccuracies about obesity, while neuroscientist and Frontal Cortex blogger Jonah Lehrer discusses Pixar's apparent hat-tip to Darwin. • Still, Pixar may have a point: U.S. obesity levels continue to rise. • Whither the salmonella-laden tomatoes? The FDA shifts its eye towards peppers.