Apparently this is some newfangled technology by which pajamas-wearing loners can share their deep thoughts with strangers. New examples keep appearing, as if the existing blogs don't already say more or less everything worth saying. Here is a long-overdue blogroll update, conveniently sorted into categories: Physics-y Blogs
Yes, Leonard Susskind has a blog. No, he doesn't update it. But he was answering questions in comments there for a while. Blogs Not ... Physics. Some Not Even Blogs.
No, I don't read all of these blogs, not to mention all of the others on the blogroll; it's more fun to rotate through different ones occasionally. And it's absolutely crucial to use a newsreader, either Bloglines or Google Reader (or whatever). Infinitely easier. In the future, sleazy guys in bars will be asking not for your number, but for your RSS feed. Nevertheless, there remain people out there who pine for the days of paper cuts and text you can underline. Female Science Professor has noted this proclivity, and turned some of her greatest blog hits into a book. Maybe we should do that someday? And remember, if you have a blog that you would like to see on our blogroll, just let us know. We'll forward the suggestion to our crack team of blog critics and reviewers, who will subject the blog to a rigorous screening program, after which we will forget about it for six months and perhaps update the blogroll.