I badger readers here to actually use all the analytic tools which researchers put out into public circulation, rather than just offering cheap opinions. Obviously it's way more fun and informative to have discussions with someone who can check their own hunches by doing a few "runs" overnight. Secondly, if you have minimal technical skills all it requires is an investment of time. If you can't be bothered to invest the time if you have a modicum of nerd-quotient then it says something about how passionate you are about these issues in my opinion (granted, life gets in the way, but as someone who routinely felt lucky to sleep 3 hours on many nights over the past 3 months, please spare me). Maju, the author of For what they were... we are, has now taken the plunge (with the help of my tutorial, which I need to clean up and fix in some details). Please check out his results (which are preliminary). Also, don't be bashful about contacting researchers for files if you want something that's not easily accessible in online reposities; that's how Zack and Dienekes have gotten a hold of some data sets. There's no need for hundreds and hundreds of people running ADMIXTURE and posting PCA plots. Rather, it is useful as a supplement to the academic community if there are at least some dozens of individuals who engage in exploratory analyses as well as replicating the results of researchers.