Against by better judgment, I've started using Twitter. It may be fun. Alternatively, it may be a massive event horizon that swallows my time. Probably both.
If anyone wants to follow me:
Some initial thoughts:
Twitter, unlike Facebook, MySpace et al, doesn't use the word "friend" in the much looser internet sense of the word. That can only be a good thing.
Instead, of "friends", Twitter allows you to amass "followers". Don't think I haven't succumbed to noticed your feeble play to stroke my ego, Twitter.
It's really, really moreish. Like crack. Not that I take crack. I don't. Is this thing on?
It's a bit more conversational than Facebook, or even email.
"Tweeting" sounds really effete. Why couldn't they have called it Roarer, or Shouter, or perhaps Belcher?
I'm greatly appreciating the chance to read the innermost thoughts of Neil Gaiman, Charlie Brooker, Stephen Fry and Warren Ellis. Especially Ellis - it's like watching a deranged drunk genius from behind a one-way mirror.
If I continue to use Twitter consistently enough, I wonder if I will start limiting every single last one of my thoughts to just 140 char...
Update: If anyone saw this post in the first 9 minutes it was up for, you might have realised that I got the URL wrong. If you decided to follow the other Ed Yong, I'm sure he's very happy about it...