At this point if you have spare cash why not shell out $300 for a raw copy of your genotype? (yes, I know 23andMe provides other services) I'm sure many readers spend $100 on nice meals now and then. That's one day. Your genotype won't 'depreciate' in a literal sense, and more practically until whole-genome sequencing gets affordable within the next decade (i.e., < 10 years) 1 million SNPs is a pretty good deal. And not to be morbid,
but it is probably best to get older family members typed now
(though if they have had hospital stays you can probably later retrieve genetic material, it will be a bureaucratic pain). The reason I'm posting this now though is that
I received a notification about a $50 discount code from 23andMe.
Here it is: YHPRD7. It's valid for the next few days. $50 isn't trivial for most people, so perhaps it will prompt a few here to go and purchase.