It turns out that readers at popular climate blogs on opposite ends of the spectrum have similar complaints about the media. From a commenter at WUWT:
The LA Times has been a socialist rag, suitable mostly for lining the bottom of a parrot's cage, for decades. When their marketers used to call to ask me to subscribe, I'd just tell them, "I don't need the Times; I subscribe to Pravda and get everything a day earlier, including your editorials!"
From a commenter at Climate Progress:
Our mainstream media is clearly hopeless...for whatever reasons- mostly money, of course- our major media outlets are staffed by hopeless whores, beyond contempt and incapable of communicating facts that are central to the public interest.
From a commenter at WUWT:
Why should we be surprised that the "˜journalists' at the NYT do not understand basic physics or science? They believe in climate apocalypse, after all.
From a commenter at Climate Progress:
We're in big trouble if the nation's best newspaper [NYT] is scientifically illiterate, with the Washington Post, LA Times, and Chicago Tribune no better.
From a commenter at WUWT:
Newspaper journalists when they graduate are told their purpose is not to report the news, but to make the world a better place. If this means lying about global warming being manmade to accomplish this purpose, then so be it. The Editors of Time Magazine and other "news" outlets spewing this global warming baloney must not be allowed to continue without our comments. For every article published there must be a blizzard of letters sent to the Editors questioning the accuracy of their stories.
From a commenter at Climate Progress:
People who intentionally do harm for pay are gangsters. These people aren't journalists: they're gangsters. They aren't going to be shamed into suddenly seeing the light. We should pursue other rhetorical means.
From a commenter at WUWT:
At one time, long ago, reporters tried to tell both sides of the story and stick to the facts, but today, many are proud to be an advocate for their cause. In reality, once they do that, they are no longer reporters, but have become speakers of propaganda and deceivers.
From a commenter at Real Climate:
The NY Times? Good lord. I haven't seen any good science reporting out of there in a decade. In its effort to be "fair and balanced," dot Earth has become an anti-science cesspit.