On the GMO front, I bring you the latest important news, articles and entertainment. First the serious stuff: An important study just published in PLOS One was summarized nicely by this Los Angeles Timesheadline:
Genetically modified cotton helps farmers escape malnutrition
Since when do people eat cotton, you ask? They don't (unless it's "cotton candy" sold at circuses and sporting events). But if small farmers in India can produce more of it at less cost via biotechnology, then that provides them more income for food. Read the study to learn how genetically modified crops improve food security for those who can't afford to shop at Whole Foods. Speaking of giant organic gourmet stores, be sure to check out this excellent Guardian piece by business journalist Mark Gunther, who explores the unintended environmental consequences of GMO hysteria. The issues Gunther raises would be much more constructive to debate than some of the zombie myths anti-biotech activists shamelessly perpetuate. Speaking of zombie myths, Dusty Smith, the raunchyinternet comedian, takes them all on in a new Cult of Dusty video. It's hilarious, but only if you don't mind a healthy dose of George Carlin-like foul language.